The Benefits of Cosmetic Dentistry
A smile expresses happiness, joy and excitement and a lot of people say that the thing that first attracted them to their partner was their smile; what a wonderful thing a smile is. What happens then when you’re so insecure about smile that you actively try to hide it? Whether your teeth have been discoloured from years of coffee, tea or smoking or your teeth are misaligned, feeling that your smile should be covered up means that you can never fully enjoy social situations and make the most of life. Here at Nelson Road Dental we believe that everyone should have a smile that lights up the room but most importantly, a smile that you’re happy to show to the world and thanks to cosmetic dentistry in Kent that can be a reality sooner than you’d think.
Cosmetic dentistry is a term that encompasses a range of procedures to address a variety of problems which includes teeth whitening, veneers and gum lifts. So what are the benefits of the cosmetic dentistry options you have here at Nelson Road Dental?
A lot of people think that procedures such as teeth whitening are a long, drawn out process that produces gradual results over a substantial period of time. Luckily, here at Nelson Road Dental we use the latest in dentistry technology and as a result, you can see impressive changes in no time at all. Our smile strips for example are an efficient, painless and stress-free way to whiten your teeth; simply wear the smile strips, which contain the right amount of whitening gel, for half an hour every day for 14 days and you’ll begin to see results after only 3 days.
Our highly skilled and experienced dentists can produce truly life changing results that you have to see to believe; take look at our website to see the full gallery of before and after pictures to see how we could give you a smile to be proud of. If you’d like to know more about our range of dentistry services, please visit our website or contact us today to speak to a member of our professional and friendly team.