Get the Perfect Smile in Time for Summer
Summer is just around the corner and people will be topping up their tans, getting their hair done and preparing themselves for the sun. When it’s sunny people are generally happier and in better moods, meaning they smile more. This can be a nightmare for those with stained or dull teeth as they are the last thing they want on show.
Here at Nelson Road Dental, we have the perfect solution for you. We offer a number of different teeth whitening solutions to get your confidence back up. Some of the techniques we offer are:
• BrightSmile TM
• Zoom TM
• Wyten TM
• Laser
• Home Whitening
We also offer a technique called Smilestrips, this is a painless and effective method of teeth whitening that many of our clients can recommend. The strips only need to be worn for a minimum of 30 minutes every day for 14 days. Not only does this mean you don’t need to wear any trays at home, there is no hassle as the strips have just enough whitening gel for you.
Our professional and friendly staff understand that the dentist is not a favourite place for most people. That’s why we try our best to ease your tensions and discuss any procedures with you before we do anything. By making you feel at ease, we help you to feel as comfortable as possible.
So if you want to be able to flash summer-ready, stain free teeth call us here at Nelson Road Dental for teeth whitening in Kent on 01634 851 317 or contact us via our online form. Not only will you feel better about yourself, the compliments you are likely to receive will boost your ego, so start practising your thank yous.